Xenonauts Wiki

The MIG is the first researchable Aircraft the player can unlock. The MIG is a more specialized form of Interceptor, it is the only initial kind of Interceptor that can carry Heavy Missiles, however it lacks the ability to evade or carry a cannon leaving it vulnerable to enemy attacks. The MIG is effective at either catching fast scouts that the F-17 cannot or dealing heavy damage to enemy capital ships with its heavy missiles.


The MiG-32 is a high-speed strategic interceptor, a delicate instrument suited to precision strikes rather than dog-fighting. Although fragile and unmaneuverable, the MiG-32 has four weapon slots to the F-17′s three and can mount either light Sidewinder missiles or the devastating heavy Avalanche missiles in each. These make it excellent at both engaging and destroying both agile high-speed scout craft and lumbering alien capital ships.

However, the MiG-32 remains a vulnerable target and will not last long if caught in a dogfight. It is a bad choice for engaging alien air superiority fighters, as it can be difficult to obtain a missile lock on agile targets and the lack of a craft cannon means it is defenseless once it has fired off its missiles. Additionally, the aircraft’s poor turning circle and inability to perform an evasive roll means that it is unlikely to escape if an alien does close to combat distance. Thus the MiG-32 is best used to tackle lone scout craft, and should be escorted into battle if it likely to be encountering a target with escorts of its own.

First Appearance

The MiG-32 Is first available for research after researching the extraterrestrial invasion to better defend against alien aircraft.


Statistic Value
Max Speed 2750
Acceleration 600

Cannon Slots

Normal Slots 0
Heavy Slots 2
Cargo Capacity None
Inital Cost $200,000
Upkeep $100,000
Hit-points 300
Armour 15

