Xenonauts Wiki
Xenonauts Wiki

Xenonauts is a turn-based single-player strategy game developed and published by Goldhawk Interactive. It was released on June 17, 2014 on Steam and GOG. It is similar to the original X-COM game, UFO: Enemy Unknown. Players control a multi-national military organisation defending a Cold War-era Earth (starting date 1st September 1979) from alien invasion, using small squads of persistent soldiers to eliminate the extraterrestrials and recover their technology in turn-based ground combat.


The history of the Xenonauts organisation is shrouded in mystery. What is known is that they were the first agency to successfully shoot down a UFO in the opening month of the initial Alien appearance. This gave them significant leverage over the major world powers, who agreed to provide funding and equipment in exchange for the Xenonauts' assistance in combating the Alien threat.




Geoscape Mission TypesBase FacilitiesAlien MissionsResearchManufacturingTech Trees
Aircombat Human aircraft F-17 Condor InterceptorMig-32 Foxtrot InterceptorX-37 CorsairX-59 MarauderX-120 Fury
UFOs Fighter* • Light ScoutScoutHeavy Fighter* • Interceptor* • CorvetteBomber* • Landing ShipCruiserStrike Cruiser* • CarrierBattleshipDreadnought
Battlescape Xenonauts Xenonaut
Vehicles HunterScimitarHyperion
Aliens SebillianCaesanAndronReaperZombieHarridanWraithPraetorLight DroneMedium DroneHeavy DroneAlien Classes
Non CombatantGuardSoldierWarriorEliteOfficerLeaderHigh Praetor
Dropships CH-48 CharlieD-42 ShrikeD-54 Valkyrie
Equipment WeaponsArmourMiscellaneous Equipment
Other Local ForcesUFO Components

See also[]

Xenonauts 2

